
Corporate Workshops

 Workshops for Learning Communication & Emotional Awareness 

How much time do you spend training new staff?

Sick of spending all your time hiring and training new staff?

What would you do with your time if you did not have to constantly train new staff?

We have a solution for you.

I have worked with the medical industry for 20 years and provide staff with the capability and strength to relieve stress, communicate , empathise, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.  Helping remove the emotional negative impact on your staff, especially those in the caring industry where compassion fatigue is common?

Marcia Davidson from Kickstart Your Wellness a Nutrition and Gut Health Coach and Kerri Speyers an Emotional Intelligence and Life Empowerment Coach support wellness and staff retention with our interactive workshops.

We support businesses and their staff to create a healthy and supportive workplace culture that retains good staff, saving businesses from the huge time, effort and energy hassle of recruiting new staff.

Providing staff with the capability and strength to relieve stress, communicate , empathise, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.  Helping remove the emotional negative impact on your staff, especially those in the caring industry where compassion fatigue is common?

We provide mental and physical wellness for your staff along with valuable upskilling to equip them to perform at optimal, peak production that is in alignment with the current Psychosocial Hazards at Work Policy and EAP (Employee Assistance Program). 

Watch my TEDx Talk on “Emotional Intelligence determines Destiny” to get an understanding of the importance of this skill set: https://lifechoicescoaching.co…










 Corporate Coaching Support/Workshops



Manage your emotions and the emotions of others!


Relieve stress!


Communicate better!


Learn how to manage and have crucial conversations!


Conflict Resolution!


Acquire the valuable skill set of emotional intelligence that can be incredibly useful in both your personal and professional life


Allowing you and your team to thrive in any situation




Emotional Intelligence actually is the ability to understand, use and manage your own and others emotions in a positive way.

When we learn to have self-awareness we can then have social awareness and social management skills







Watch my TEDx Talk on “Emotional Intelligence determines Destiny” to get an understanding of the importance of this skill set:




“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”

– Coco Chanel


“I was fortunate to attend Kerri’s workshop on Self-Sabotaging Behaviours on Saturday 3 October, at Temple Retreat, Pullenvale. There were ten of us attending—different women, varying ages, individual life experiences. The workshop began with a restorative and uplifting yoga session with Tanya, from Seed Yoga, in a peaceful studio with tranquil views. The venue is exquisite. The yoga was a calming, yet invigorating practice, which was followed by the group enjoying delicious refreshments provided by Kerri. We worked through an informative booklet which explained what self-sabotaging behaviour is, triggers that promote this negative behaviour, and how to successfully override them. Kerri gave gentle guidance and encouragement in a safe, non-judgemental manner, which promoted an atmosphere conducive to her clients sharing their feelings and experiences. Her wisdom and knowledge were evident as she explained what provokes negative behaviour, and shared strategies to help recognise and address them. Kerri’s workshops provide an opportunity to reflect on behaviours which are often habitual and damaging. The discussions are respectful, considerate, sometimes hilarious, and always supportive. I can thoroughly recommend these workshops as a means of inspiring each of us to live our best lives.”

– Robyn Semple

“Thankyou for a wonderful experience yesterday Kerri x was just lovely. Great surrounds. Loved the yoga . And learnt some stuff! The workshop taught me something quite different and surprising – I am definitely going to use the strategies you shared. Thankyou x and Thankyou for introducing me to the temple – brilliant location and service.”

– Maria Pawluczyk

“Having attended my first self-care workshop facilitated by Kerri, I’m so glad I committed the time for myself and joined the group of women that attended on the day. The yoga session before the workshop led by Tanya was just what I needed to be able to put down my mental to do list from the day to day. Then having the opportunity to be guided by Kerri through understanding the self-sabotaging behaviours that come in through my day to day in an understanding and supportive environment was invaluable. Thank you Kerri for creating such a safe and welcoming space – I look forward to attending further workshops.”

– Korryn H

Your Host

Kerri Speyers, is a Life Empowerment Coach that specialise in helping mid-life women gain the clarity, confidence and courage to live their best life.

As a Certified Practitioner in Time Line Therapy, Matrix Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Mbit Coach and Emotional Intelligent Teams Program, she has extensive experience in re-programming behavioural patterns that has us run on auto-pilot and stops us from achieving our fullest potential.

Through gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, Kerri guides mid-life women to break free of the anxiety, depression and limiting beliefs that are no longer serving them.

Her passion is to see women become the truly capable, independent superwomen that they are – one that will leave a legacy of empowerment to all women!

Through her 1 on 1 coaching, workshops and retreats, her clients gain the confidence and motivation to move forward and create a fulfilling and purposeful life that they are excited about.

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