
WoL Course (Sample only)




Take the time to examine the different aspects of your life to improve it!

This is it – life is now – today – let’s make it amazing!!

In this course we will use the wheel of life tool to examine the 8 different aspects of your life.

From there we can put a spotlight on what we can and need to do to uplevel our life so that it keeps getting better and better.

This wheel of life tool can be used again and again anytime in the future to look at each area of life and take your life to an even higher level.

This course is product of the many hours of self-care workshops that I run to examine all different aspects of our life. I also use this tool with clients with my one-on-one coaching sessions.

Putting the daily behaviours and patterns under a microscope and examining what is working and not working for you.

From here we decide to start doing the actions that move your life from average to amazing!!

It really only takes a few tweaks here and there on a regular basis to create a life that you can get excited about.

This course allows you to log in and access video and written information along with downloadable worksheets for a comprehensive but easy to complete course to up level your understanding because knowledge is power.

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