
Hi! I’m Kerri Speyers



Gain the clarity, confidence and courage to live your best life.

Feeling stuck in your professional or personal life!!!!!!!!!

I can unpack what is keeping you stuck with Corporate and/or Personal Workshops and One on One Coaching

Find your passion and purpose and create a life you can get excited about

Support with transformational coaching for these issues and more:-

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Resolve emotional issues and blockages
  • Emotional regulation
  • Communication skills – the ability to have crucial conversations
  • Improve relationship skills
  • Addictive behaviours
  • Improve motivation and feeling stuck
  • People pleasing tendencies
  • Support from narcissistic abuse

Hi! I’m Kerri Speyers



Gain the clarity, confidence and courage to live your best life.

Whether you realise it or not EMOTIONS are driving everyone’s behaviours

It influences how we perceive


and manage emotions

in ourselves and others.

It empowers individuals to cultivate self-awareness, regulate their emotions, empathise with others, and navigate social interactions effectively,

Either Personally or Professionally we all need the skill set of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE

Whether you are an entrepreneur and have dreams and goals or run a business with staff  it’s time to get support to ensure you are building your business empire on a rock solid emotional foundation and empower your staff with corporate training workshops or tailor made one on one coaching programs for you and/or your staff.

I  facilitate Corporate Workshops to help you and your employees/contractors get the best out of all interactions and relationships.

Covering Emotional Intelligence, Effective Communication,Conflict Resolution, Boundary Setting and Self-Care Workshops

– Let’s get Started –

Coaching Programs

Corporate Workshops

Partnering with

Retreats & Events

Liberty Women’s Wellness

Kickstart Your Wellness

VitalEdge – Vital ProJeX

Queensland Family Law Practice

Get your FREE Meditation Audio

Feeling anxious, overwhelmed and stressed?

Get your life back in balance with a short de-stressing meditation practice. It doesn’t have to be a long drawn out practice – just an opportunity to relax, de-clutter the mind and create a peaceful space to change your life in a positive way!

– Testimonials –

I met Kerri through a mutual friend. At the time of our meeting I was going through some pretty dark stuff with menopause and was hesitant that Kerri would even be able to help. I felt like I was in a big black hole with a feeling of helplessness, anxiety, and I felt like I had lost myself. At the ripe old age of 50 I thought it’s time to start practicing some self care so I made the decision to go on this journey with Kerri.

I  felt very comfortable through this whole 9 week journey with Kerri she was very gentle and encouraging and made me feel very normal.

As we were doing our coaching sessions I felt some shifting taking place every week but it wasn’t until my final session that I felt the light bulb moment of wow this is what I needed to learn to find the real authentic me… my voice of assertiveness. I have always thought I was assertive and learned during this process that I was, but only with certain things. Learning this one lesson replaced all of the negative feelings I was having with positive feelings allowing me to see the real me, the one I had lost or forgotten even existed.

I would highly recommend going on this journey as I have a sense of freedom now that I have never felt before. I found my voice and my confidence and have finally learnt to love my authentic self.
I crawled out of that big black hole and into a world full of joy and happiness and great fullness.



A year ago I had the opportunity to meet with Kerri to help with a bad habit that I had suffered for over fifty years….nail biting. Through a session of hypnotherapy Kerri was able to help me cease this habit. She performed the session with a caring, professional and empathic approach. Thanks to Kerri for helping to cease such an embarrassing habit.


Carolyn Schmidt

Before my coaching with Kerri I was in a challenging place with my 18 year old child who I was having trouble communicating with. I actively sought Kerri out to learn more about myself and in this way learn how to communicate with my child again.

I absolutely loved my coaching journey with Kerri. As I expected it was hard work, and both challenging and draining at times. I was open to all ideas and most important I needed the opportunity in a safe space to discover my own path, as I am a firm believer that we have all the answers, we know. We just have to take the time to quietly ask ourselves for the answers. Kerri is a kind thoughtful, responsive and wonderful guide for this journey.

My biggest takeaway from coaching with Kerri was personal peace and clarity. I needed to go on this very personal and at times, emotional and very challenging journey. I became present to my inner peace and clarity. This is giving me the tools and the language I need to communicate.

To anyone who is looking at going on this coaching journey with Kerri is that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, and although it feels very vulnerable to do a personal journey with a wonderful, kind and caring life coach like Kerri, it is purely and simply worth it. I have done this type of work before and there is always more to learn about yourself and new answers and ideas to find. Just do it!



Kerri’s kind and caring approach really get to the core of looking at your life without the shutters on and this clarity assists with being able to make monumental shifts in your mindset. In amongst a lot of laughs and some often hard and difficult self-reflection, I am now able to see myself through eyes that appreciate and value my life choices and experiences.

With that comes a renewed confidence in who I am. I can’t recommend Kerri highly enough. She passionately cares about her clients and is a true nurturer of valuing the individual experience.

My time with her has truly been life changing for me and I just wish I had done it years ago!



I just had time to put my feet up and started reading your Boundaries Book today. The first chapter was such an eye opener and it described me to a T, especially how she says “it’s what a good Christian should do, the Bible says…” that’s so me. I am so excited reading it knowing I can find solutions to my lack of boundaries and change my life and relationships for the better!!!

I am especially touched you chose this book for me knowing it was embedded in biblical teaching and how to fix the misconceptions we sometimes take on from bible truths that we have to be endless givers of ourselves to the point of burnout which is not at all what God intends for us. Bless you Kerri. What a very thoughtful and kind gift that was. You certainly bless me.



When a friend recommended that I meet with Kerri for coaching sessions I was sceptical that it would be of benefit. I couldn’t have been more wrong! Meeting Kerri for the first time was such a positive experience and I instantly knew she would be able to help me.

Before meeting Kerri and starting my coaching journey, I was struggling to deal with the separation from my husband. Kerri opened my eyes to the toxic and narcissistic person I was dealing with and gave me insight, clarity and the much-needed tools to identify and deal with these behaviours. Kerri also spent significant time understanding my childhood and parental relationships which gave me a better understanding and awareness of myself. Talking with Kerri every week was like catching up with a very inciteful friend, and the time spent with her was something I looked forward to each and every week.

Kerri is a warm, kind, caring and beautiful person, who has given me the skills and self-awareness to keep going through this very difficult time in my life.

I would highly recommend life coaching sessions with Kerri. The time spent with her has made a huge difference to my life.


Megan P

Before I started coaching, I was a very angry person. My temper was out of control. I also keep people at arm’s length so I didn’t get hurt. I was smoking 30 or 40 cigarettes a day. I was a very unhappy person.

It was hard to admit to myself I needed help. It was very confronting but I had to change. I don’t think I had been living for 62 years. I don’t think I would call it a life.

Now I am not an angry person anymore. I am happy and I now talk to people and I am closer to all my friends. Going to Life Coaching was amazing how it changed my life.

I would 110% recommend it without a doubt.


Ruth Commins

I cannot begin to tell you what Kerri Speyers Life Coaching has done for my life. Each week she lovingly takes me through a tough time in my life and teaches me how to turn it around and make it a blessing. Kerri is intuitive and caring and makes me reach into the depths of my soul to expose those tough times and explore how they affected me and what I learnt from them, then she gently moves me forward to a new place where I can realise that I am the beautiful soul I am today because of my past experiences. I will be forever a better person because of her guidance. Thanks doesn’t seem enough


Wendy Fraser

Kerri Speyers at Life Choices Coaching has been instrumental in helping me recognise and overcome the negative and limiting beliefs I once held. I had been stuck in a cycle of self-depreciation, and believing I had to be everything to everyone. Sessions with Kerri have awakened the person I am meant to be. Her gentle wisdom and kindness create a positive and safe environment, where recognising and then discontinuing damaging choices we subconsciously make can be achieved. Kerri is an astute listener who offers clarity and a common-sense approach to identifying long-held, invalidating and counteractive assumptions. She evokes a sense of trust, and is genuinely committed to helping her clients reform and remodel their lives. I experienced many ‘aha’ moments as we discussed my concerns. She has taught me coping strategies to meet challenges with confidence and excitement, and is helping me overcome the once crippling anxiety that was denying me fulfillment and peace.

I would recommend Kerri at Life Choices Coaching to anyone feeling stuck or unhappy with their life, or those who simply wish to strive to achieve their full potential.


Robyn Semple

I came to Kerri because I was stuck. I felt like I was stuck taking over the same story and resenting the past with no way forward. No positive view of the future and no resources to improve my outlook.

To be honest it was timing. Talking to a trusted dear friend who said she’d been seeing Kerri. I was ready and needed help. It was handed to me as a gift really… I didn’t need to go searching it was meant to be.

Kerri helped me explore solutions by identifying priority areas in my life she then helped action a plan and kept me accountable with follow up and checking. It worked. A tough caring coach. She truly connects with you and reminds you you have the resources to resolve yourself with a gentle nudge from a coach on the side.


Maria Pawluczyk

Chantel Jackson

I have known Kerri now for a number of years and I must say I would not be where I am today within my business if it was not for her guidance and help. When you are building your own business you are also growing and learning about yourself. Your Boundaries or lack of them, how different people react and respond to you, and how you say things. A great sounding board and the retreats she does are great, I hear from those who have gone. I recommend her to all my business friends and friends.

Chantel Jackson

My Local Market

Arshdeep Singh

I was reading through my past notebook and I stumbled upon the notes from your session. I still can’t forget the lessons I learnt from your YSPN sessions and the YSPN sessions I did last year with another mentor regarding my profession. Just wanted to thank you again for all the time and lessons that you had given to us all mentees. It has just made me so much wiser with my decisions, people, and surroundings etc. The biggest one that I probably never realised until now was that I learnt from your sessions was to start trusting people again, as I had just lost hope from friends or people to ever be true to me back then. Now, I just choose more wisely and give people a chance before I doubt them from the start.

Arshdeep Singh

YSPN Mentee

Diane Brown

Kerri Speyers is totally switched on to psychology and life experience. Kerri intuitively knows what the client is needing and what their issues are. This is something that can’t be taught in a psychology class.


Kerri also has a non-judgmental attitude to others which is vital in life coaching as the client needs to feel accepted and free to say anything.


Kerri’s passion for life coaching proves how suited she is to it. Kerri was born to do this job and to help others to explore their issues and to find solutions for them. You establish a strong bond with your clients which enables them to get better as friendship is the greatest healer.


Dianne Brown


Working with Kerri has been truly life-changing for me. When I first started with her, I was very hesitant, as I had seen several counsellors and psychologists, and paid a fortune on courses, books, etc. I was feeling stuck and hopeless in my personal life and was completely unsure of how to move forward.  When I first shared my situation with Kerri, she was so kind and would regularly contact and encourage me – just because she cared. Initially I was terrified that I was just wasting more money and time.  But through all our sessions, Kerri was both firm and encouraging.  She helped me gain clarity on my goals and values and guided me in developing actionable strategies to achieve them.  Her insightful questions and compassionate approach allowed me to uncover and work on most of my limiting beliefs. With her unrelenting support, encouragement and wisdom, I have been able to make honest and open minded reflections of both my strengths and weaknesses, and have managed to overcome huge obstacles, build confidence, and make significant progress during a very challenging period of my life.  Kerri’s experience, compassion, her tools and techniques have been invaluable to me. I’m now more confident and have far more self control and purpose in my daily life, allowing me to move forward and make positive and transformative decisions. Perhaps most importantly Kerri given me the confidence to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and optimism.  .If you’re feeling lost or struggling with issues in your life, I wholeheartedly recommend Kerri as a life coach for you.  She is dedicated and committed to helping you. Kerri is definitely an investment.  My only regret is that I did not start sooner! with her.  I could have saved myself an awful lot of money and time.




Before my coaching Journey I was stuck in a very toxic relationship and not knowing how to move forward. 

The coaching journey felt good however it made me confront my fears and feelings. 

I had to move on for my future happiness was my biggest takeaway! 

I highly recommend coaching to anyone it’s a highly valuable experience which I enjoyed .Kerri is just fantastic and goes above and beyond. 


Tamara Weibel

Kerri has spent a few sessions with me working on my professional and leadership skills within a team environment in my corporate role. Working with Kerri has given me a much greater understanding of myself and unleashed my confidence to truly standout from the rest. In the time I spent with Kerri she encouraged me to dig deep and truly uncover what was holding me back from really progressing to the next level of my professional development. She has also given me tools to work with to continue to thrive even further. Thank you for all you have done for me Kerri. I will be back when I face my next corporate challenge

Tamara Weibel

Sandi Clarke

My coaching with Kerri was the best investment I have made in myself for a long time!

Before I started the coaching session I was distraught, lost and grieving due to a very difficult family situation I found myself in.

Even as a logical, intelligent person I questioned my own mind and feelings.

My biggest takeaway was being heard and validated.
Also being in a safe space to allow me to feel and express my emotions.
Not without a lot of tears!

Kerri guided me and gave me mechanisms to deal with what I was feeling and clear my thoughts and mind.

I cannot recommend Kerri highly enough as a warm, caring, skilled Life Coach.

Thank you Kerri for being there for me.🙏

Sandi Clarke

I met Kerri through a mutual friend. At the time of our meeting I was going through some pretty dark stuff with menopause and was hesitant that Kerri would even be able to help. I felt like I was in a big black hole with a feeling of helplessness, anxiety, and I felt like I had lost myself. At the ripe old age of 50 I thought it’s time to start practicing some self care so I made the decision to go on this journey with Kerri.

I  felt very comfortable through this whole 9 week journey with Kerri she was very gentle and encouraging and made me feel very normal.

As we were doing our coaching sessions I felt some shifting taking place every week but it wasn’t until my final session that I felt the light bulb moment of wow this is what I needed to learn to find the real authentic me… my voice of assertiveness. I have always thought I was assertive and learned during this process that I was, but only with certain things. Learning this one lesson replaced all of the negative feelings I was having with positive feelings allowing me to see the real me, the one I had lost or forgotten even existed.

I would highly recommend going on this journey as I have a sense of freedom now that I have never felt before. I found my voice and my confidence and have finally learnt to love my authentic self.
I crawled out of that big black hole and into a world full of joy and happiness and great fullness.



A year ago I had the opportunity to meet with Kerri to help with a bad habit that I had suffered for over fifty years….nail biting. Through a session of hypnotherapy Kerri was able to help me cease this habit. She performed the session with a caring, professional and empathic approach. Thanks to Kerri for helping to cease such an embarrassing habit.

Carolyn Schmidt

Before my coaching with Kerri I was in a challenging place with my 18 year old child who I was having trouble communicating with. I actively sought Kerri out to learn more about myself and in this way learn how to communicate with my child again.

I absolutely loved my coaching journey with Kerri. As I expected it was hard work, and both challenging and draining at times. I was open to all ideas and most important I needed the opportunity in a safe space to discover my own path, as I am a firm believer that we have all the answers, we know. We just have to take the time to quietly ask ourselves for the answers. Kerri is a kind thoughtful, responsive and wonderful guide for this journey.

My biggest takeaway from coaching with Kerri was personal peace and clarity. I needed to go on this very personal and at times, emotional and very challenging journey. I became present to my inner peace and clarity. This is giving me the tools and the language I need to communicate.

To anyone who is looking at going on this coaching journey with Kerri is that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, and although it feels very vulnerable to do a personal journey with a wonderful, kind and caring life coach like Kerri, it is purely and simply worth it. I have done this type of work before and there is always more to learn about yourself and new answers and ideas to find. Just do it!


Kerri’s kind and caring approach really get to the core of looking at your life without the shutters on and this clarity assists with being able to make monumental shifts in your mindset. In amongst a lot of laughs and some often hard and difficult self-reflection, I am now able to see myself through eyes that appreciate and value my life choices and experiences.

With that comes a renewed confidence in who I am. I can’t recommend Kerri highly enough. She passionately cares about her clients and is a true nurturer of valuing the individual experience.

My time with her has truly been life changing for me and I just wish I had done it years ago!


I just had time to put my feet up and started reading your Boundaries Book today. The first chapter was such an eye opener and it described me to a T, especially how she says “it’s what a good Christian should do, the Bible says…” that’s so me.  I am so excited reading it knowing I can find solutions to my lack of boundaries and change my life and relationships for the better!!!

I am especially touched you chose this book for me knowing it was embedded in biblical teaching and how to fix the misconceptions we sometimes take on from bible truths that we have to be endless givers of ourselves to the point of burnout which is not at all what God intends for us.  Bless you Kerri. What a very thoughtful and kind gift that was. You certainly bless me.


When a friend recommended that I meet with Kerri for coaching sessions I was sceptical that it would be of benefit. I couldn’t have been more wrong!  Meeting Kerri for the first time was such a positive experience and I instantly knew she would be able to help me.

Before meeting Kerri and starting my coaching journey, I was struggling to deal with the separation from my husband. Kerri opened my eyes to the toxic and narcissistic person I was dealing with and gave me insight, clarity and the much-needed tools to identify and deal with these behaviours. Kerri also spent significant time understanding my childhood and parental relationships which gave me a better understanding and awareness of myself. Talking with Kerri every week was like catching up with a very inciteful friend, and the time spent with her was something I looked forward to each and every week.

Kerri is a warm, kind, caring and beautiful person, who has given me the skills and self-awareness to keep going through this very difficult time in my life.

I would highly recommend life coaching sessions with Kerri. The time spent with her has made a huge difference to my life.

Megan P

Before I started coaching, I was a very angry person. My temper was out of control. I also keep people at arm’s length so I didn’t get hurt. I was smoking 30 or 40 cigarettes a day. I was a very unhappy person.

It was hard to admit to myself I needed help. It was very confronting but I had to change. I don’t think I had been living for 62 years. I don’t think I would call it a life.

Now I am not an angry person anymore. I am happy and I now talk to people and I am closer to all my friends. Going to Life Coaching was amazing how it changed my life.

I would 110% recommend it without a doubt.

Ruth Commins

I cannot begin to tell you what Kerri Speyers Life Coaching has done for my life. Each week she lovingly takes me through a tough time in my life and teaches me how to turn it around and make it a blessing. Kerri is intuitive and caring and makes me reach into the depths of my soul to expose those tough times and explore how they affected me and what I learnt from them, then she gently moves me forward to a new place where I can realise that I am the beautiful soul I am today because of my past experiences.  I will be forever a better person because of her guidance.  Thanks doesn’t seem enough.

Wendy Fraser

Kerri Speyers at Life Choices Coaching has been instrumental in helping me recognise and overcome the negative and limiting beliefs I once held. I had been stuck in a cycle of self-depreciation, and believing I had to be everything to everyone. Sessions with Kerri have awakened the person I am meant to be. Her gentle wisdom and kindness create a positive and safe environment, where recognising and then discontinuing damaging choices we subconsciously make can be achieved. Kerri is an astute listener who offers clarity and a common-sense approach to identifying long-held, invalidating and counteractive assumptions. She evokes a sense of trust, and is genuinely committed to helping her clients reform and remodel their lives. I experienced many ‘aha’ moments as we discussed my concerns. She has taught me coping strategies to meet challenges with confidence and excitement, and is helping me overcome the once crippling anxiety that was denying me fulfillment and peace.
I would recommend Kerri at Life Choices Coaching to anyone feeling stuck or unhappy with their life, or those who simply wish to strive to achieve their full potential.

Robyn Semple

I came to Kerri because I was stuck. I felt like I was stuck taking over the same story and resenting the past with no way forward. No positive view of the future and no resources to improve my outlook.

To be honest it was timing. Talking to a trusted dear friend who said she’d been seeing Kerri. I was ready and needed help. It was handed to me as a gift really… I didn’t need to go searching it was meant to be.

Kerri helped me explore solutions by identifying priority areas in my life she then helped action a plan and kept me accountable with follow up and checking. It worked. A tough caring coach. She truly connects with you and reminds you you have the resources to resolve yourself with a gentle nudge from a coach on the side.

Maria Pawluczyk

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We all have the same 24 hours in a day!!!

How are you spending your time?

You choose how you spend these seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

Make time for YOU today. 

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