

In the game of life are you making wrong turns?  Merging right instead of left, or just stuck and not sure where to go.

Let us give you some passion, purpose, courage and confidence driving a life to get excited about.

This is the drive home and all about Driving Life with myself Kerri Speyers, Peter Carey and Shane Mallory from West Bremer Radio.

You can listen to The Drive Home Every weekday afternoon 3.30pm each 4th Monday of the month.

Click HERE to stream West Bremer Radio on demand.

Missed an episode, click below to listen to the replay.

Seven Times Film

by Kerri Speyers and Peter Carey

Seven times is the number of times a person (usually a woman) tries to leave a domestic violent relationship before she can successfully get away. Today we discuss the topic of domestic violence after the premier release of the short film Seven Times. This is Monica Sanguigno the producer’s true story. Domestic violence is an uncomfortable conversation that we as a society need to have and this film highlight this.

What are your Core Needs

by Kerri Speyers and Shane Mallory

We have some basic Core Needs that we need to get met daily.  If we are unable to get these needs resourcefully we will get them met in an unresourceful way.  Knowing what your Core Needs are and learning to recognise how you are getting them met is the key to an enjoyable life for yourself and for others around you.

These are the basic Core Needs we all have:

Needs of the Personality:

Certainty – safety, security, comfort, predictability

Variety – uncertainty, adventure

Significance – importance, validation, a strong sense of self

Connection/Love – connection with other people, a sense of belonging

Needs of the Spirit:

Growth – to learn, progress and move forward in life

Contribution – giving to something outside of one’s self

Manage your Inner Critic

by Kerri Speyers and Shane Mallory

We all have an inter voice playing on repeat in our head. Is your inner dialogue an “Inner Critic”? If so take a moment to get some understanding on where this inner critic came from and how you can change the auto-pilot recording.

You can also take my Online Course on the Inner Critic HERE.

Self Care

by Kerri Speyers and Shane Mallory

Self-Care is entirely our responsibility. We need to ensure that we are taking the time to care for ourselves in a way that is healthy and sustainable. So that we can give out from a place of abundance and not from a place of depletion and an empty vessel. Take a moment to consider these steps discussed in this podcast on self-care.

You can also go to my online courses page and delve deeper into the issue of self-care.

Wheel of Life

by Kerri Speyers and Shane Mallory

The best way to take a good look at what’s working, what’s not working and what needs some adjusting is to use the coaching tool called the wheel of life. It’s about taking the time to examine your life and look at the tweaks you can do to take your life from average to amazing.

You can also take my Online Course on The Wheel of Life HERE.

Growth versus Fixed Mindset

by Kerri Speyers and Shane Mallory

Our Mindset is a set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines our behaviour, outlook and mental attitude. Learn the strategies to help you, your children, grandchildren and others to cultivate a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset because our world needs growth mindset individuals to succeed in our everchanging fast pace world.

We all, young and old need a team of supportive, encouraging, inspiring, enlightening people on our team to support us to create a life that we can get excited about. We take a moment to explore what those teams should look like in the areas of health, social, education etc.

Comfort Zone v Fear Zone

by Kerri Speyers and Shane Mallory

The year 2020 was not on anybody’s vision board!!! But we can learn to go from living in our comfort zone to fear zone where everyone headed with the Coronavirus pandemic to the learning zone and then the growth zone and then moving into a better place with learning the lessons each phase has to offer. Understanding these different phases is the key to unlocking a productive, growth life for the whole of your life.

Dear 2020 None of this sh*t was on my vision board!

by Kerri Speyers and Shane Mallory

We take a moment to look at how life didn’t turn out as we planned with the Coronavirus pandemic and some strategics to support you through a crazy different year.

The Driving Life - Introduction

by Kerri Speyers and Shane Mallory

You are in the Driver’s Seat of your Life” We are all sitting in the driver’s seat of our life but sometimes we are driving on auto-pilot. It’s time to take back the steering wheel and take control of our life. It’s about getting an awareness of the routines, behaviours and patterns we are running on auto-pilot and making little positive adjustments to create a better life.

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